Pockets are a lovely thing. I love stuffing my hands into the pockets of my coat when my hands are cold. They are also great for holding a grocery list, or keys, or a spare piece of gum. Pockets have come a long way, so I’ve read and researched. It used to be that people carried their ‘stuff’ in satchels or small drawstring bags. Then they got the idea of sewing those right onto and into men’s trousers and jackets. I specified “men’s” because women got cheated. They had to tie their satchels around their waists and then access them by means of slits in the sides of their skirts to get to what they were holding. Women eventually got REAL pockets like the guys – but we’re still cheated in a way. Some women’s clothes sport lovely flaps where it LOOKS like there is a pocket, but it is merely decoration and the pocket is FAKE. It is quite disappointing. And guys can easily slip a cell phone into their jean pockets. Women cannot. You women reading this know what I mean.
My grandkids clothes all have pockets – many times they are decorative, but sometimes they are functional as well. Little boys are always putting rocks in their pockets – as Henry and Theo have proved to me! Many times I’ve helped the grandkids find their missing gloves by searching jacket pockets. I’ve also tucked a spare piece of wrapped candy in one of their pockets for safe-keeping for a later time.
Think about cargo pants and shorts. Now we are really talking about multiple pockets that are also very large! My husband works at a shipyard and could not do without his many pocketed shorts or pants. His pockets hold his phone, his wallet, as well as all kinds of tools and spare parts that get pocketed away. This also causes a problem when I find curious and various boat parts at the bottom of my washer when the pockets do not get emptied before being laundered. And even worse is when a Chapstick or an ink pen are left in a pocket – only to destroy the rest of the clothes in the load. Oh my …. I’m sure you’ve been there! What a mess!
So why am I talking about pockets?
The other day when I went to watch Harper and Paisley for the day, I was there quite early and the girls had just woken up. We were sitting on the couch with them in their snuggly zippered one-piece sleeper jammies and Harper was telling me all about what was new with their family. She is just a few months more than 3 years old. The stories that 3 year olds tell are fascinating as they try to put into words what they are thinking. I listened with rapt attention when Harper suddenly said, ” … and then Grandma, um, I had all my dreams in my pocket….” and I stopped her and said, “What Harper? You had all of your dreams in your pocket?” And she confirmed, “Yes, Grandma. All of my dreams…. I keep them in my pocket” as she patted the tiny little decorative pocket on her sleeper.
Oh my how precious!
And it made me think (and smile).
We all have dreams – or had dreams – and we all have hopes or plans or desires for things now and in the future. How often have we let go of those dreams when we give up or get tired or feel defeated? It’s kind of sad to consider that things change or don’t happen when dreams don’t come true. BUT – what if we kept our dreams in a pocket? We can try ‘holding’ our dreams – but our hands can get busy and we can drop them along the way. Maybe we could put them in a box? Oh …. but what if we lose the box or forget where we’ve placed it? But a POCKET? Harper – that’s genius because we can keep our dreams safely tucked away – but also keep them close and attached.
Oh sweet Harper – may your pockets always be filled with your dreams! And by your example, I want to keep MY pockets filled as well. Dreams are all our hopes and desires and wishes for tomorrow and when you’ve run out of all those things, you just might run out of tomorrows.
Hold onto your dreams and keep your pockets filled!

just Laurel