“Guess who face planted during our walk?”
That was the email I got from my daughter Kristen today. There was a picture attached, so I really didn’t need to guess. Kristen is nanny to a baby girl and her three-year-old brother, Owen. She tries to get them out of the house every day and Owen walks while his baby sister gets pushed in the stroller. Apparently, they had just started on their daily hike when Owen ‘face planted.’ He was running across the street when he tripped and fell smack on his face. The picture was adorable: his angelic face peering out from under a knit hat, a few small scratches on his nose and lip and the cutest pouting lower lip.
Kristen took him right back home and wiped the dirt off his face. There were mostly abrasions, and no dripping blood. She said, once the crying stopped and he recovered, that he wanted to go back out and start the walk over again. Their walks are “treasure hunts” Kristen told me. As they walk, Owen has to look for treasure. She has a bag for him to put his precious finds into. Besides ribbons and stones, he actually found two pennies today.
I decided that I want to be more like three-year old Owen. Even after being knocked down on his face, he was right back out there after a quick wipe off of the dirt. How many times do we give up, back-off, or throw in the towel when things don’t go right? A little fall on the face didn’t stop Owen. He persevered and wanted to take his walk. And find treasure. Oh to have the heart of a child and be always looking for good things! How much do we miss each day – things of beauty or special little sparkles of joy – because we don’t even look? Those two discovered pennies were like gold coins to Owen.
So here’s to getting back on the horse, trying again, and persevering at whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. Just don’t forget to look for the treasures along the way!
Just Laurel
Mark 10:15 Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.