Sometimes it seems like people are never satisfied. We want bigger and faster. We want results now. We want more. We want better. We want a different job and a new house. We ask for change. We want to get away from it all and go on vacation and then we miss home and can’t wait to get back there. We want tomorrow now and wish away our today.
When Ted and I were young and dating, I couldn’t wait to get engaged to him. Then I couldn’t wait until our wedding day. Next I was anxious to move into our first apartment. Then I wished for the house. Next I wanted to start our family. Like most long-married couples, Ted and I often think nostalgically about our newly-married days when we were passionately in love with each other and had little money and little responsibility. Those were good days now long gone and under-appreciated at the time.
My daughter Jill and her husband Andy had to move to the Caribbean for her to attend school. They gave up a comfortable lifestyle and familiar friends and places. There are many things they are missing right now. I reminded her that one day they will be moving back and will be missing all the things that made island living so special.
My daughter Kristen and her husband Ric got married and bravely moved to the far northwestern United States and settled in Portland, Oregon. They are enjoying the beauty of the Pacific Northwest. They are also missing friends, family, and the great state of Michigan.
Remember that job that you hated and wanted to get rid of? In hindsight, it wasn’t really so bad – especially when compared to the current job. Alright I know that’s not always true, but it is often times true.
Then you wanted that fancy new car. After it breaks down and you have costly repairs, the older model you got rid of doesn’t seem like it was so bad after all. And you forgot about the all the larger expenses the larger house you wanted now brings you: heating & cooling, larger yard to mow, bigger roof to repair.
A certain friend drives us crazy and we make ourselves scarce. We decide not to spend much time with them anymore and forget the good times once shared.
Your kids drive you crazy and you wish them grown up and moved out. You skip a trip to the grandparents’ house because you want to stay home and relax and watch your television show.
I could go on and an about how we choose to NOT like our job, our family, our friends, our living situation, etc. But as human nature has it, as soon as we are WITHOUT those things, we miss them terribly.
My soapbox message today is that we all need to embrace the day and everything it brings. Love your job. Love you home. Love your family. Love you neighbor as yourself. Appreciate all that you DO have and stop trying to change it. You will one day miss what you had today. You will wish for one more chance, one more time, one more taste, one more hug, one more touch, one more glimpse.
My friend lost her daughter to Melanoma Cancer today. Her daughter had a husband and two young sons. My heart breaks for my friend and I can only imagine her pain. I am sure she would give anything to go back and spend more time with her daughter. One more time. One more word. One more minute.
So embrace today and all your blessings.
Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
just Laurel