a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view
I had eye issues last week. I kept ‘seeing’ drips of water in my peripheral vision off to the left of my line of vision. I was seeing a flash of what looked like a droplet of water that glistened as it caught the light and dripped downward. Then I had this floating wispy hand that kept creeping in from the top left, obscuring my vision. It was annoying. Of course, at work where I am surrounded by eye surgeons, they immediately dilated my eye to look at my retina. I loathe having my eyes dilated! It is so annoying. It is so hard to see things clearly and the lights ARE SO BRIGHT. I was seeing things, literally, a bit differently.
So – what do you see in this classic drawing? The old lady or the young woman?
We all have eyes, yet we can see things differently.
We all have minds that can see situations differently, too.
I have shared with you in the recent months about the passing of Ted’s mom, then our daughter Amanda, followed by my Pop, and most recently by Ted’s dad.
Yes, we miss them. Yes, we have holes in our aching hearts.
But …
We also have faith.
For those without faith in Jesus, then death is really an end … it means life is over … there is a void and an emptiness that oozes of un-fulfillment and loss.
With Ted’s dad’s death still fresh, we are still sorting out his house and belongings. The other day Ted handed me his dad’s “At-a-Glance” planner for 2014 and asked, “Do we need to keep this?” I glanced through it and read his various notations about doctor appointments, family birth dates to remember, and other simple notations. I don’t know what made me look, but I decided to see what he might have noted on the day his wife passed away … and on the day Amanda passed away. It hit me like a mighty wind and brought tears to my eyes …..
Wednesday, May 28: Lois w/Jesus 12:00+
(She passed away shortly after noon)
Sunday, October 12: 0300 Amanda – healed
(Amanda passed away at 3am)
What a man of faith! He kept the right perspective. Although his loved ones were gone from this earthly life, they were healed and with Jesus.
It’s all about perspective, folks.
just Laurel
“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” Philippians 1:21
reading that gave me chills. So what was wrong with your eyes?