Since the letter of the day is “S” ….
Amanda has a STAPH infection … SPOKE to a very nice infectious disease doctor … we aren’t sure of the SOURCE of the infection … but the staph definitely did a number on her lungs … but waiting to see Neuro doctor … making sure staph is not in her brain or her SHUNT …
Another “S”
They got Amanda cleaned up and she was thrilled to take some SIPS of ice water – after that first sip she had a look of pure bliss on her face. She held her own with just an O2 nasal cannula … breathing on her own. She is too tired to do anything but will wake up and talk a little when she has the STRENGTH.
The STAPH infection has knocked her on her butt … she is sick sick sick (another “S”) but holding her own … doctors have been great but we SIT and wait and wait and SIT.
just Laurel
So thankful you at least know what you are dealing with. Praying for continued strength for you, Ted, and especially Amanda.
Of course she is one of my favorites! Please let her know I am praying, and thinking of her every day. To you Laural….stay strong. My prayers are for you and your family as well.
We are keeping all of you in our prayers. Sending hugs from Indiana.
Ben and I are praying for Amanda, and you family. Love and Hugs.
Hoping they can give her something so she feels better. Continuing to keep all of you in our prayers!