As I search the scriptures in my attempt at being a better student of the bible, I am amazed at how I can be directed to certain verses at the exact time I need to read them or at how something I’ve read in the bible suddenly takes on new meaning or becomes so clear. The latest ‘ah-ha’ moment I had was when reading John 5:1-9. This is the story of how Jesus comes across a lame man who was lying near a pool. It was believed that when the waters of this pool suddenly churned and stirred, that the first one to go into the water after such a disturbance would be healed of whatever sickness they had. The short story that most of us read in verses 1 through 9 is that Jesus heals this particular man.
But this time when I read verses 1 through 9, I saw the long story.
The lame man had been lying there for thirty-eight years. Thirty- eight years! THIRTY-EIGHT YEARS!
Jesus happened to notice the lame man lying there and asked him, “Do you want to get well?”
Well, the lame man replied that he, of course, wanted to be healed but that everyone else beat him to the waters when they churned and he was just waiting around for his chance. Waiting for 38 years!
Jesus simply said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk!”
And the man was cured and he picked up his mat and walked.
How often do we all sit and wait for things to happen?? Especially when we are praying for something – God certainly loves to hear us talk to him and to seek Him in all things. But do we just sit back and wait for it to happen? I truly believe that God wants us to trust Him and pray about things and then we are to get moving! How long do we sit and wait when we could be moving forward under God’s prayerful guidance?
So, yeah, I wrote a book … and I blog … and I want to share my faith with other moms … and I wrote a bible study … and I want to write more … but what to do next and how should I do it?
It was time for me to get moving. Especially when God has put so many opportunities in front of me: I have an invitation to speak at a school, I’ve been requested to write a review on a women’s devotional, I am recording an audio version of my book, Amanda, Perfectly Made, and I think God is laying out a roadmap in front of me – I just need to take the first steps and start moving down that road.
So …
I am in the process of having a new blog/website designed that will provide so much more info for all you readers out there – and I am redefining who “you” are … I feel God’s nudge to encourage other women of faith … and of course I have a special bond to all you caregivers out there … and I especially have a tie to all you wonderful spina bifida moms. I hope to provide resources and inspiration. It’s taken a couple of big commitment and financial steps to get moving … but I couldn’t lie back and just pray about it … it was like God answered my prayers with the question, “Do you want to get moving with this ministry?” He kept laying all these road signs in front of me … so … of course I wanted to get moving.
<gulp> (a “ministry” ??)
So things are moving …. Look for a new website and other new things.
Please pass this on and be patient while the new website is under construction. I shall try to keep you all updated … and will share more of what’s coming in the next several weeks.
John 5:1-9
Just Laurel
You have a wonderful gift that God has given you and I see him challenging you to reach a little higher. Good luck Laurel. Keep me on your list.
Thank you Judy!
Love and miss you <3 <3
Glad to hear from you again! Will be watching for new blog! Aunt Marilee
Good to hear from you too! As the winter weather finally breaks – it makes me think of summer and trips to see our Ohio family 🙂
I admire all you have done and what you will continue to do. You have an amazing gift for reaching people and sharing your knowledge and faith with them. I feel God has put you in my life for a reason, and that reason is to make me a better person. In reading your blogs and our many talks, I know that God is working on me through you. Your are truly my best friend and inspiration. Thank you. Clara
Thank you Clara BFF! – haha! But I am just God’s instrument and He tells me what tune to play 🙂 I am learning and growing right along with the rest of you. To Him be all the glory.