My life is playing like a country song lately:
Pa has been in the hospital again getting his ‘ole ticker looked at. Having to run Ma back and forth.
Little ‘ole Mandy has been behaving herself and keeping OUT of the hospital. And by the way – her internet service is down right now so telephone or snail mail for her for a few days.
Hubby has been working too hard and has many a night scheduled out of town lately.
Daughter Jilly is killing giant bugs down on St. Kitts. She and Andrew had to wait more than 3 weeks to get their car fixed!
Daughter Kristen and her husband Ric have their wholes lives packed up in a moving truck right now and are heading east!
I am working too many days this week and just trying to keep everyone happy, healthy, and just fine.
My apologies for slacking on the blog writing. Perhaps all this busy life stuff will arm me with blog material in the weeks ahead!
Psalm 9:1] I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.
just Laurel
Very cute! Liked your accent and all. Aunt M