in·vad’ er n Definitions: 1. Someone who enters by force in order to conquer or pillage. 2. Someone who encroaches or intrudes on; violates. 3. Someone who overruns as if by invading; infests. 4. Someone who tries to enter and permeate, especially harmfully.
It’s been a week of invasions for my family. Poor Amanda had earwigs visit her apartment. If you’ve ever had earwigs – well you know how ugly and creepy they are! They were falling out of the bath towels, creeping along the baseboards, running through the sink and bathtub and surprising us everywhere. They fit number three above as someone (or something) that infests. Ewww.
My daughter Jillian who lives in the Caribbean has her own invader. Check out the picture of the giant centipede. Apparently the dog found it in the yard, grappled with that sucker and killed it! He presented the mangled body on the front door welcome mat. Another one of those got in the house and Jill found it as she reached for her towel after showering and it scurried across her hand. NOT welcome! And although insects ‘infest’ – these things fit definition number two above because they tend to encroach (notice the word ‘roach’ in there), intrude, and violate. Double Ewww.
The other day my daughter Kristen and her husband Ric moved back to Michigan and are staying at my house for a while until they can get their own place. No, no, no – they are not the invaders! But they brought their cat. Allright, he is not an invader either, but that cat can certainly permeate (number four above) a house. Just look at him in the bathroom sink! Little stinker.
Invaders try to enter by force, or they simply intrude when they are not welcome. They are trespassers. They violate and usually cause harm.
People often get overrun by invaders of a different kind. If you hold onto a grudge or some bit of anger for too long, it can make you bitter – it can reduce and conquer any bit of understanding or compassion you may have. Or if you expose yourself to any kind of sexual immorality, unlawful, or wicked lifestyle, then those things can implant themselves in you. If you let the bad things invade, you will set yourself up for a life permeated with negativity, sadness, and evil.
Don’t let the bad stuff invade and take over. Let go of the anger and exterminate any bad intruders. Let good things grow in you and get rid of the weeds. Don’t let bad things enter your house or your life. Use that welcome mat and leave the dirt at the door!
Ephesians 4:31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.
James 1:21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.
just Laurel
Margaret helped me go through some things Monday. We, unfortunately, found a long dead (glad it was dead!) mouse which had many maggots on it. Ewew (have no idea how to spell that sound)! Your blog fit perfectly with our experience! Aunt Marilee
Double Ewwww !