If you sew or are a crafty person like I am, then you understand the tingly feeling I get when I enter a fabric store. Through the years I’ve sewn clothes for myself and my children, made shower curtains and window valances, and have pieced together a quilt or two. When I walk into the fabric store and gaze at all the lovely fabrics with their various patterns and designs, I just get giddy with sewing excitement. Sadly, I do not sew much anymore. The feeling is still there, though, as my inner sewing goddess gets tempted by all the possible sewing projects I envision.
My daughter Kristen caught the sewing gene from me. I am thrilled when she takes on a project. She is good. She may even sew better than me! She recently took on a quilting project and, as you can see by the picture she sent, her work looks quite impressive. I can’t wait to see the finished project.
Yesterday at church we had a guest preacher, Pastor Dave Maier, the Michigan district president of the LCMS. His message came from Mark 5 and was the story of the woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. Under the care of many doctors, her condition only worsened. She heard about Jesus and decided to find him in the crowds that were passing through her town. She thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” How beautiful is that! The fabric Jesus’ clothes were made of could not have been fancy. And of course, it wasn’t magic fabric either. It was Jesus himself who was the miracle maker here. The story in Mark 5 tells us that she indeed did touch his garment, and was instantly healed. The really cool part is that, even though there were all these people pushing and crowding around Jesus, Jesus knew that this woman had touched His clothes. He knew her needs and he felt her clutch of faith as she reached for Him.
I don’t know about you, but there have been times in my life when I’ve held onto my sanity and my faith by my fingertips. You can read more about that in my book, “Amanda, Perfectly Made.” But I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. Those tough times in life where you are so challenged, beaten down, worn out, and at the end of your rope and you have barely enough strength to keep your grasp on your faith. I think the lesson here is to know that God is always there to take our hand. He knows when we are seeking his steady strength. And even when we feel like we are falling and grasping at air, He senses us reaching out – just like the woman who simply touched his garment.
Continuing on my fabric theme here, I must include this fascinating scripture from Numbers 15:37-39 The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘Throughout the generations to come you are to make tassels on the corners of your garments, with a blue cord on each tassel. You will have these tassels to look at and so you will remember all the commands of the Lord, that you may obey them and not prostitute yourselves by chasing after the lusts of your own hearts and eye.” What a wonderful reminder for the Israelites to daily notice that blue thread that just doesn’t match the rest, but having its presence be a reminder to them of God and His commands. Fashion design today will probably never have us putting tassels on the corners of our clothes, but it’s a good vision to keep in mind.
Next time you are struggling and reaching for God, remember that God recognizes us as we grasp for the firm clutch of His hand. Life may have you beaten up and trampled on the ground, but you can always catch the hem of His garment. He’ll know you are there!
Just Laurel
Each blog gets better and better. Some of your blogs come exactly when I need them. Thanks
From: justlaurel >To: criley1048@att.net >Sent: Mon, June 3, 2013 7:52:02 PM >Subject: [New post] fabric > > >justlaurel posted: “If you sew or are a crafty person like I am, then you >understand the tingly feeling I get when I enter a fabric store. Through the >years I’ve sewn clothes for myself and my children, made shower curtains and >window valances, and have pieced together a qu” > >