I do not like going to garage sales. I really don’t need somebody else’s stuff – I have enough of my own stuff that I can do without. Fortunately, twice a year our city has a “Citywide Garage Sale” and I love HAVING a garage sale. It’s a great way to purge and get rid of stuff. Not only do the closets and drawers get cleaned out, but I make a little money as well. And what doesn’t sell I take to a thrift shop. It’s a win-win for everyone!
The citywide garage sale is in two weeks. I have been busy pricing stuff (the part I don’t like). As I sorted through a box of cast-offs from the cleaning-out efforts of one daughter, there were some textbooks she no longer needed. I decided to check with some websites that buy back college textbooks. There was a biology book, a chemistry book, and a calculus book. All three looked practically new – and one was even still in plastic shrink wrap (wonder why she never opened it? – oh well, too late now!). Not one book buy-back website wanted any of these three books. Huh? Has biology changed? Did chemistry get re-written?? And are the rules all new for calculus? How could these three subjects have changed so much that they had to print a new edition of the book and declare the older one outdated? Grrrrr. I don’t understand.
One of my ‘to-do’s’ today was to finally get to the secretary of state to get new plates for the Chevy Cobalt parked in my garage. It’s Jill & Andy’s car – in storage while they are living on their island – and it still has Tennessee plates. Well I thought I was prepared with all the paperwork to take care of the task, including a signed consent that gave me power to make decisions on the Chevy while the kids were out of the country. (after all – the car IS taking up residence in MY garage) “I’m sorry ma’am but the instructions have changed,” the nice secretary of state lady explained to me, “and we will need a photocopy of Andy’s driver’s license.” Really? All that time waiting for my number to be called at the secretary of state place and now I have to go back?? Again? (By the way – Andy if you are reading this – I need you to fax or email me a photocopy of your driver’s license please.)
Why must people always change things and rewrite the rules? I can accept that there are changes and new discoveries in biology and chemistry – but to have to produce a new book to replace one that is only a few years old? Please. Science basics have not changed. And calculus? Explain to me how that can change enough to require a new book. And the secretary of state? Ehh…that’s government run. Rules and regulations are always changing there. I guess I should have expected that one.
Malachi 3:6 says “I the Lord do not change.” Hurray! So nice to know we have an unchangeable God! His rules do not change and His book is not outdated. Jesus told us that whosoever believes in Him can have eternal life. He does not change the rules. He did not add to the requirements for salvation. Hebrews 6:17 tells about God’s “unchangeable character” and how He promises and then fulfills His plan and purpose in our lives.
In life we must accept the fact that there will be rewrites, new rules, a different version, corrections, additions, and modifications to instructions we must follow, directions we are given, and guidelines we must adhere to. Confusing, huh? James 1:17 says our heavenly Father is one “whom there is no variation.” Unchangeable. That’s nice, God. I can deal with that.
Just Laurel
I can handle almost any change, I really am very flexible when it comes to change except…I hope this doesn’t offend anyone…the Catholic church. I grew up catholic and until recently went to catholic mass but since I have been away, there are many things about the the mass that were changed. This was the biggest reason I walked away from The Catholic church (that and the way the mass is presented, they always want you to feel completely unworthy of God’s love). I guess I still consider myself Catholic. I never thought much about it either way. All I know is, and ever cared about, was a relationship with Jesus and I have finally found that. To me though, the Bible is the Bible, it should never be changed or misinterpreted. For years I searched for a church that didn’t make up their own rules but just went by the Bible so I had something concrete to hold onto and believe in. Thank God I finally found that church! Some changes can be good but others, like the Bible…well, that just doesn’t set well with me.
Lainie, I am glad you found a bible based church. Have you ever done any bible studies by Beth Moore? Her studies are completely from the bible – it’s like she devours the bible as if it were a box of chocolates!