We ALL know those familiar and sometimes irritating lyrics: “Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow. You’re only a day away.” Don’t get me wrong, I love the musical, “Annie.” But when you get too many little girls screaming out the lyrics to the song “Tomorrow” it can get a little annoying. But all opinions aside, the lyrics give a very hopeful message. So you’ve had a bad day? (Yeah – yeah – some of you will recognize the words in that question as lyrics to another song) But, seriously, if you’ve had a bad day you can pretty much always count on another day to have a better day. I can recall many days where I got nothing done, or a migraine made the day painful and challenging, or perhaps it was just one of those days when nothing went right. Amazing what a good night’s sleep can do to wake you refreshed and newly charged to face a brighter day.
In the continuing saga of my Pop’s recovery from his surgery on Monday, today was a much better day. Yesterday, it was very disheartening to see him so confused and restless as his body tried to come out of his anesthesia and drug fog. My mom and I could do nothing to help him and we finally went home, feeling helpless and sad. Today, Pop was sitting up in a chair and eating lunch. He had taken a short walk in the hall and conversation with him was normal and appropriate, although a little delayed and slow. The poor man had open heart surgery just three days ago. I think he’s allowed to be a bit slow. It will take a little time to get up to speed.
What a difference a day makes!
There’s a song from the 1930’s sung by Dinah Washington titled “What a Difference a Day Made.” The lyrics include these: “What a diff’rence a day made. Twenty-four little hours; brought the sun and the flowers. Where there used to be rain.” Perhaps the 30’s version of “Tomorrow?” ha-ha But the message is the same. Perhaps today is stormy – figuratively or literally. Tomorrow may just bring some sunshine.
My favorite ‘tomorrow’ story? I think of Jesus’ followers who were so anguished to see Him die on that cross. They saw his broken and dead body placed in a tomb. I can’t imagine the grief, anguish, and mourning they suffered the day after Jesus’ crucifixion. And then I think of the never-dreamed-of Sunday morning when they discovered an empty tomb! My how their hearts must have beaten with restrained joy as they waited to be sure that He had risen.
Life can change overnight, so they say. How true. They also say that time heals all wounds. I guess for as long as you are alive, time keeps moving and there is always a tomorrow for things to change – for better or for worse. But if you don’t like the way things are today, you can be sure of change and you can be sure of a tomorrow.
It’s only a day away.
Lamentations 3:22-23 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
just Laurel
WOW! One of your best blogs. I need to stop and think about that more often. Thanks
Laurel – Praise be to God for the blessing of your blog! I am enjoying your writing so much! Thanks. JC