It was an “I didn’t realize” kind of day.
My Pop had his surgery today. The aortic valve in his heart had to be replaced and there was one bypass that needed to be done. I had to pick my parents up at their house at 4:45am.
I didn’t realize until last night that meant setting my alarm for 3:45 in the morning. I had to shower, get ready, and drive to Rockwood in an hour! It was an easy drive because …
I didn’t realize how few people were on the roads at that hour of the morning. We got to the hospital in plenty of time, only to join a lobby full of people who were also having surgery. I guess …
I didn’t realize that Mondays are a popular day to have surgery. They say that it isn’t good to have surgery late in the week and risk having your surgeon leave for the weekend and be stuck in the hospital. We had to wait. And wait. And wait for Pop’s turn to be registered. My mom,
She didn’t realize that when you are at the hospital you have to wait for everything. Wait your turn, wait for your x-ray, wait for your doctor, wait for your lunch, wait to be discharged, and wait for your surgery. Pop finally got registered then taken back while we waited for them to prep him.
Pop didn’t realize that they were going to put a multi-lumen, massive I.V. in his neck as well as 2 in his arm. By the time they let us see him the anesthesiologist had already given him some happy juice in his I.V. Pop didn’t care about all his I.V.’s. Then off he went to surgery and off we went to … wait. The waiting room was fairly pleasant with nice seating.
I didn’t realize how uncomfortable those pretty chairs could get after several hours. At 11 o’clock we finally got an update on my dad’s surgery and were told that he was doing great and they were half done with his valve replacement. Off to lunch my mom and I went. We were ready for a break from our waiting.
I didn’t realize how familiar the cafeteria was going to be. I had spent quite a bit of time during nursing school at this hospital and this was my first time back in years. I kept looking for my nursing school classmates. After lunch we got to sit and wait some more. About five hours after starting the surgery, it was finally over and the doctor came to give us his report. Valve replacement went well, bypass done, but what
he didn’t realize was that my Pop had a hole in his heart between the right and left atrium. It never showed up on previous scans. Pop is a lucky man that they found it and closed it right up. Another hour went by and we were finally able to go see Pop in his room. All the doctor and nurses,
they didn’t realize how easily my dad gives in to anesthetic. Pop was fast, fast asleep. He didn’t blink an eye or move a finger while we were there. Mom and I were weary and decided he was in good hands and that we’d go home. My mom called later to check on my dad. He had started to wake up. The poor nurse
she didn’t realize how strong my dad was. He woke up confused and combative. He was probably uncomfortable, disorientated, in pain, and maybe even a little scared and would not lay still. I wish I would have been there. Maybe I could have helped calm him down.
But despite all the things I didn’t realize, or weren’t realized by others, I can say that there is much to be realized.
I realize that modern medicine where they can repair holes, change the plumbing in people and replace valves is amazing. But even better,
I realize that the caring friends and family I have are a precious gift. My pop’s niece and nephew sent special thoughts and prayer, and friends and family from all over sent precious messages on Facebook and prayed for Pop. The thoughtful messages were like little bursts of encouragement. And I know that all of you have friends and family that need prayers as well. So we all post our needs and ask for help and how fantastic is it that we can all help each other?
Matthew 25:34-36 Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’
BTW: Keep praying for Dawn and her family.
BTW I didn’t realize how awfully tired I am and what a tough time I had finishing this blog!
just Laurel
I love this.
So glad your “Pop” came through surgery well. Will be praying that his surgery also goes well. Also praying for strength for you and your Mother as he recovers. Aunt Marilee