I have not blogged in a long time about my contacts. We are still at odds with each other. Because I need correction for both distance and reading, and because of my astigmatism, I opted for ‘monovision.’ Monovision describes using one eye for up close reading, and the other eye for distance. It works great on the days I go to work. With both contacts in, I have my right eye to see what’s ahead of me while I drive to work. At work, I can see patients across the room as well as see and write on the charts before me with my left eye. As soon as I get home from work, I take my contacts out.
If I just want to read or I am spending time in front of my computer, I get by with reading glasses. It’s either that or, with my contacts in, I end up having to wink at what I’m reading because the distance vision in the right eye throws off what the left eye sees up close if I am trying to read for prolonged periods of time. All day it’s a glasses on – glasses off – glasses on – glasses off kind of existence.
As I was sitting at my computer today, I stopped to lean over to pick up a dropped sheet of paper. Gasp! Oh my. I didn’t realize how dirty my kitchen floor was. I had my readers on, and I could see all kinds of crud. I thought my house was looking fairly clean this morning – when I didn’t have my glasses on. Darn those glasses! They ruined everything. It’s not the first time. A glance in the mirror, and I think I look okay. Put the glasses on and then look in the mirror and every wrinkle, pimple, and imperfection show up.
I think sometimes we look at things too closely. There’s a quote I read by an unknown author that says this: “Sometimes you need to distance yourself to see clearly.” I couldn’t agree more. This morning as I glanced at my kitchen floor as a whole, I didn’t see all the specks of dirt. The floor looked fine. Upon closer inspection and with glasses on my nose, it looked filthy! It was fine until I took a closer look.
It made me wonder about all the other things I look at, and what it is I am really looking at and seeing. Oh, believe me; I think that details DO matter. But not all the time. A truly clean house is imperative for when company comes to stay. It’s only common courtesy to provide clean sheets and bathroom facilities. Details matter to a fine-tuned recipe, for many crafts and fine arts, and for doing your taxes. But there are some things that just don’t need the close scrutiny. I don’t want to knit-pick my friends or my husband and point out all the flaws. (Like I don’t have any!) By stepping back and looking at the whole picture, I can see how my house is just fine for today, my husband is as wonderful as he can be (despite his snoring – oops – didn’t mean to point that out) and sometimes my friends say things that irritate me. I am sure I do the same to them. It’s the big picture that matter more sometimes.
Next time I see something I don’t like, I’m going to take my glasses off and take a second look.
Just Laurel
Love, love, love this blog.
> >From: justlaurel >To: criley1048@att.net >Sent: Mon, February 25, 2013 7:29:15 PM >Subject: [New post] to see or not to see > > >justlaurel posted: “I have not blogged in a long time about my contacts. We are >still at odds with each other. Because I need correction for both distance and >reading, and because of my astigmatism, I opted for ‘monovision.’ Monovision >describes using one eye for up clos” > >
Why thank you very much Clara!