All children have their funny quirks. Amanda’s younger sister Kristen, had hers. When Kristen was a baby and at that age when babies can sit up and crawl, we found out that she didn’t care for the grass. There were many warm, sun shining days that I would go out in the yard with Amanda and baby Kristen and I would lay a blanket on the grass to plop Kristen on. Kristen would crawl and play, but she would not venture off of that blanket. It was quite a handy thing because we never worried about her disappearing into the shrubbery. One time, forgetting the blanket, we plopped her down straight on the grass. Kristen immediately squawked and fussed. We turned to find her sitting on her diapered bottom with bare hands and feet in the air, just balancing there. She didn’t like the feel of the prickly grass on her skin! That’s why she never ventured off of the blanket! Of course we found it adorable.
Amanda loves her apartment. Immediately after getting out of Wyandotte Hospital a week or so ago, she wanted to go to her apartment. She wasn’t too thrilled when Ted and I made her stay with us at the house for a few days. We needed to keep a watchful eye on her for our own peace of mind. Now that she’s been at her apartment for a week, she doesn’t really want to leave. Her apartment is warm (not cold like our house where we keep the thermostat down). And her apartment is small – just her size. She knows where everything is and can keep everything in its right place. She’s a homebody.
Tomorrow Amanda is having surgery. She really doesn’t want to leave her apartment. I don’t blame her. Like baby Kristen who did not care for the itchy uncomfortable feel of the grass on her skin, Amanda does not want to feel the uncomfortable sensations that a hospital stay will bring. She just got done doing that for three weeks! Kristen wanted to stay on the blanket. Amanda wants to stay at her apartment.
But we must do what needs to be done. I don’t want to go. We’ll be up early and down to Detroit by 7:30am. Yuck.
If only we could stay on that nice safe blanket called home. But there’s a whole world of answers out there to discover.
Here’s hoping and praying that our journey tomorrow will be quick and easy. We don’t want to get lost in the shrubbery! And that tomorrow night we can plop Amanda right back down at her apartment.
just Laurel
Praying for the best…
We are praying that Amanda gets back to her apartment quickly and you get to stay in your home soon as well.