The word fatigue doesn’t even describe it. Except for the two hours I ran home last evening, I was at the hospital almost 35 hours straight. Those of you who have done it will understand – you just do what you have to do. Ted’s job takes priority so I spend the days there so he can work. Tonight is his turn at the hospital. đŸ™‚ Can’t wait for my body to be in my bed.
Amanda continues to improve. Heart doctor gave her the A-OK as well as the Endocrine doc. Just have to get a plan from the Pulmonary Doctor – my guess is that her sick lungs might need to come home with some oxygen for a while until we can wean her off of it.
Have to finish a load of laundry (Ted and I were running low on clean clothes – especially socks and undies!) and then it’s bed for me.
just Laurel
take care of yourself… cant get sick….moms arent allowed….so glad she’s doing better:)