Feels like we are hovering on the fence – waiting to see which way Amanda is going to fall. One minute she’s rallying and you see the old Amanda, and the next she is in bed, limp and sleeping. Just when the blood work comes back better, it falls the next time to unfavorable levels.
Pneumonia is bad enough but with Amanda’s squished and squashed torso, the lungs don’t have the best chance for great expansion – she’s not breathing deeply because she can’t. Her body is also bloated with so much extra fluid – that just adds to the constriction. If the CO2 keeps building up again, there are whispers of being put back on the ventilator with talk in the background of her going home with extra breathing tubes/help/machine/equipment … I don’t want to say the word of what they are talking about. She’d hate it.
Amanda surprised the doctors last time she had pneumonia. She just may pull through again this time. It’s been a long week and Ted and I are weakening. Pray for strength for all of us.
just Laurel
So sad to hear it. We will just keep praying.
Praying for all of you. If you need a break and I can help by taking your place at her bedside, please let me know.
Big big hugs and prayers
Updates are appreciated. We keep praying for all three plus medical staff