It stinks that we’ve been here a week already.
Sleep last night was blissful. Like a dried up old sponge dipped into a puddle of water, my body sucked in the quenching relief of rest to a weary Laurel. I could have slept much more but set the alarm for 7am because I didn’t want to sleep too long before relieving Ted. Plus, I wanted to finish up some laundry. (Ted and I now have an ample supply of clean underwear – in case you were wondering. I know I know – TMI)
Amanda is doing well as far as the pneumonia issue goes. Her lungs look good and blood work is all shuffling its’ way back to fairly normal values. Ted was with her this morning and said she got up and seemed to be fairly close to normal and even ate a healthy size breakfast. When I showed up, she was already back to bed. She barely opened her eyes to wave a hello to me, opting to focus on her desire to sleep instead. It was as if she got up feeling great, then crashed.
So, we are looking at all kind of issues now – doesn’t help that Amanda is so complicated. There’s shunt and neurological issues, bowel and bladder stuff, and just all the surgeries she’s had over the years – many that I have to explain to the doctors and nurses because they have never heard of them.
So the dragon roars and takes us on the proverbial roller coaster ride of unknown twists and turns. It makes me nauseous. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about – read the book.)
just Laurel
Hang in there. You guys are all in our prayers. Are you at southshore