Day 6 part 2. Haha If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’ve got my laptop computer with me!
Amanda has eaten breakfast, put away a cup of ice cream, and just (tried) to eat some hospital-born macaroni and cheese. Even the extra salt I put on it didn’t help make it more palatable. Breathing is improving greatly. Heart rate is rather high and they are scratching their heads over that one, but it’s nothing too serious. Finally got some blood – the nurse who was able to grab a vein with her needle filled every possible tube she could fill so we’d have enough for any tests they could ask for.
I had to chuckle (again) at Amanda for 2 things. First thing is she has always had a history of not being able to cough without gagging and puking. Whenever she would get sick and have a cold, attempts to cough all that ‘stuff’ loose resulted in grabbing the barf bowl. Well, she is coughing gunk loose every 10 minutes and even hawked a lugi in a specimen cup for the nurse. No gagging yet. Gross I know. But grossly funny. I told her she may have just gotten good at it now and can skip the puking part.
The other funny, but more amazingly quirky thing about Amanda is despite her cognitive deficits, that girl can spell. She was phone texting a friend and telling them she had pneumonia. “And how did you spell pneumonia?” I asked. “P N E U M O N I A,” she answered. I bet a lot of adults couldn’t spell it correctly. Funny.
Another thank you to a couple of Morgan girls who sent up a darling bouquet of flowers – pretty yellow chrysanthemums with a yellow rose in a yellow happy face mug AND a little teddy bear. It was full of sunshine and cheer.
just Laurel
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