Day 6.
Really?? It’s been six days already.
Oh what a night. Night + hospital room does not equal sleep. Amanda was up and in her wheelchair for quite a while. It probably felt so good to be out of bed. Finally got her into bed around 11pm. However, she had to sleep with a bi-pap machine (it’s what a lot of people use when they sleep at night because they have sleep apnea) and Amanda uses one at home so she was used to it. However, there were issues with the machine as well as an unfamiliar/uncomfortable mask that meant restless sleep compounded with the machine alarming and people constantly poking their heads in the door to see what was going on. Finally switched machines at 230am and things quieted down.
Until 3am.
That’s when they started coming around to get blood work. The first person tried unsuccessfully. Half an hour later the second person failed to get blood from Amanda. Third and fourth persons have failed. Oh, if we could only figure a way to put a faucet valve on one of her blood vessels. So, we still haven’t gotten blood for the days ordered blood tests.
I must have dosed off around 6am and jumped when I felt someone touch my shoulder. It was 630am and Ted had just showed up. He made a stop at the hospital before heading for Indiana for the day. He brought me some food and I got to go down the hall and grab a cup of coffee. He is off to Indiana and Amanda and I thought we’d hang out at the hospital today.
Currently she is sitting up, coughing like a good patient, and eating breakfast.
So far so good.
just Laurel
Can’t wait to hear that you are on your way home and the “dragon” is gone for a long time so you can get a good rest. . .not just sleep. I’m glad to hear that Mandi is up and coughing.:) (promising).
Have a good day.
Love Tammy