It is f-f-f-fr-freezing here. Not only is it single digits outside, our new hospital room has older metal frame windows and (think of radiating heat) it is actually radiating/blasting cold air. I slept in the chair with a scarf on, boots on, and wrapped in a blanket. Oh wait – I don’t think I slept. Amanda’s roommate had cardiac issues around 10pm last night that kept the lights on and a steady stream of doctors and nurses until almost one in the morning. We tried to sleep from one until 5:30am when the phlebotomist showed up for Amanda’s daily blood contribution. At that time, Amanda and I simply got up for the day. Thank goodness for the coffee vending machine down the hall.
Several calls have been made to the medical supply place today. As of yesterday we were told that as soon as they get authorization from the insurance company they have a c-pap machine ready to deliver to the hospital. I am getting a ‘lil nervous. It is going on 1pm and they better get that thing on it’s way here.
Amanda’s PCO2 continues to bounce around. Yesterday morning it was way high at 69. Today is was 44.4 …. normal. Go figure. We just need to go home and rest and recuperate.
You will hear me cheering if that darn bi-pap shows up this afternoon.
just Laurel
I’m listening for that cheer down here in NW Georgia!!!