Got a phone call from the Neurosurgery Clinic at Children’s Hospital. New plan: We were advised to get discharged from Wyandotte Hospital and then (after a day or two of rest at home) go to the neurosurgery clinic on an outpatient basis. They can see her, evaluate things, and have any necessary tests and scans done – and then if they need to do something (surgery) we will be admitted through them.
So now – we have to see under what criteria the pulmonary doctor here will discharge Amanda. Last time she had pneumonia, she went home on oxygen but gradually weaned off of it. We already have the oxygen machine at home – so if they want her on O2 at home, we are already set up for that. The CO2 is a concern – but I would be more than happy to bring her here even twice a day for blood draws – so much better than being a patient.
So – home is the current destination. Yeah! Hope it can be arranged in a day or two. I’ll keep you posted.
just Laurel
Praise God, It sounds like a plan
Isn’t it amazing how God works. Diane and I were at our small group home bible study last night and added Amanda and the family to our prayer list. PTL!!!
That’s awesome Bill. Thanks to you and Diane for the prayers, Are you guys in Ohio? Trying to remember.