Good Morning Wyandotte.
Have you ever seen the movie “Groundhog Day” with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell? It’s about a weatherman who finds himself waking up and living the same day over and over again. Well it feels like we are living our own version of that movie: wake up to blood-thirsty phlebotomists at 6am, wash up and get out of bed, take meds, order an omelet for breakfast, then sit around all day waiting for things to change.
Oh what a night we had, though. Sleep? What’s that? I may have dozed off a little after midnight. Hard to tell. But somewhere around 1-1:30 there were nurses and respiratory therapists poking their heads in the door. Now our room is pretty much dark and it’s bright in the hall – so when you crack the door open, the light floods the room and pretty much you are awake. The pulmonary doctor was on the phone and wanted to know the settings on Amanda’s bi-pap (the machine and mask people use for sleep apnea – Amanda has used one for 5 years but because of this bout of pneumonia, they have yet to find the best settings for her – still trying to get her to exhale/blow off the CO2 her body is hanging on to). The settings on the machine were just not working. From 1:30 to 3am they were in and out, switching settings, changing masks, on the phone with the doc. Finally satisfied they told Amanda she could sleep now. I was wide awake. Hello Facebook! I got the ‘ole laptop out and was looking around – nobody else was awake to talk to though π . I think I dozed off around 4. And then the phlebotomist came a knocking at 5:30. Yeah – they turn on the overhead lights so they can see. And so night ended and we were up for the day.
Well despite the night with no sleep, all the fussing and changes paid off with a morning CO2 of 52.3 – HUGE drop from the day before where we started at 89. I am sure the doctor will be gleeful when he shows up today. I may not be awake to talk to him, though.
Still need to get to Children’s Hospital. I cannot rest until she is seen by the Neuorsurgeon and we can rule out any neurological issues. If no transfer today, I may see if we can take her there ourselves tomorrow (Monday) if we get the pulmonary doctor to concur.
Have a good day everyone.
just Laurel
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