We are STILL sitting and waiting and waiting and sitting. I heard from the clinical nurse at Children’s that the hospital is so full they have had to cancel surgeries because of no bed availability. So – exercise in patience. But, understandable patience. If there are kids too sick to discharge from the hospital, well I don’t expect them to be bumped to make room for us. It’s okay.
So while I sit here, my mind wanders and I recall a little verse I read once … on a bathroom wall … and it just sort of stuck in my memory banks. Maybe it was meant to lighten the mood today:
“Here I sit in silent bliss, waiting for the coming piss.”
Kind of memorable, don’t you think 😀
As I sit here with little to do but daydream and explore the world through my laptop, I am inspired to pen my own prose:
“Here we wait, don’t give us pity; soon we’ll be in Dee-troit city.”
Yeah, pretty pathetic! Just lightening the mood a bit if I can.
I shall keep you posted and if there’s no news, I’ll try some more poetry.
just Laurel
Praying she will stay safe while waiting. Wondering why they cant find answers while you are there. Do they have any kind of ped. Neuro there that could weigh in? Just throwing things out to you. My mind does this
Thanks for your thoughts, Aunt Marilee. We are in a small town hospital – Henry Ford Main Campus/Hospital is in Detroit. They probably have a Ped. Neuro there – but that would also mean a transfer. The importance of Children’s is there are docs there that specialize in spina bifida cases and have actually operated on Amanda before – plus all of her records and previous scans are there.