Good morning day 11.
Good morning Wyandotte. Yes, we are still at Wyandotte Hospital. I was able to capture some quality sleep at home while Ted and Amanda attempted sleep in good ‘ole roo m 219. Amanda is a bit more energized today. Her CO2 came down this morning – Yay – so that means her lungs are finally blowing off CO2 which makes her much more alert. She hasn’t ordered breakfast yet but made the nurses laugh at her early morning snack of diet pepsi (she prefers coke) and Cheetohs. Breakfast of champions.
I need to get Ted home. He needs a shower and some sleep. I can tell he’s sleep deprived because he starts talking too much. The doctors or nurses come into the room and he just talks and talks and talks … blah blah blah … the morning doctor was being friendly and commenting to Amanda about the balloons people brought her and Ted starts “Did you know there is a helium shortage?” “TED!” I scream in my head while I give him the look. “Well helium costs more …. and 30% of it is manufactured by the U.S. government …. and President Obama …. ” Ted continues. Oh dear Lord. I hope he goes home soon.
The neurosurgeon is waiting for Amanda at Children’s Hospital and all the paperwork is done for the transfer. We are still waiting for a bed to become available. I guess the huge flu outbreak has caused quite an overload in hospitals everywhere. So, we wait our turn.
I know God’s plan is perfect. I know His timing is perfect. One day, one decision, one step at a time.
Thank you for reading – for your care, prayers, and support.
just Laurel
Thank you once more. I’m glad you were able to sleep last night. Your post this morning made me smile, laugh and pray…Amanda’s morning ‘snack’ was classic…she would do well in Chattanooga, it is such a Coke town. If you order soda (or pop if you’re my northern Ohio raised husband) you ask for a “coke.” The server asks you, “What kind?”:)
I laughed out loud when I read about Ted being sleep deprived and talking…he always did that…Dad does the same, as well as when nervous or out of his comfort zone. I still remember a stewardess tell my dad she wished he was a radio so she could turn him off…in truth, I do that also, when I have to much caffeine (something I’m sure you’ll feeling there can not be). One day after several an early morning with several cups of coffee and tea, I told Bill, “Help, I’m talking and I can’t shut-up.” He laughed. How wonderful you “Greshel” spouses. π
When I saw you were still at Wyandotte and not on your way to Children’s, I went to prayer. I pray for the families who have sick children and I pray they get to go home back to their normal life with healthy little ones very soon. I pray that a bed opens up for Amanda so you all can take the next step in her wellness and get answers. I pray for my poor sleep deprived brother and sister. I pray the dragon leaves for a very long time.
Love you all.
All our love and prayers coming your way
Hang in there Greshels! Amanda is such a resilient fighter and with your love surrounding her (along with God’s, of course), she’ll be out in no time. My prayers and love are with you!
Matt! How sweet of you to take time to send a note. Thanks for thinking of us. <3