I haven’t been to the gym this week. I worked Monday and Tuesday, and today my exercise buddy couldn’t make it. I was feeling fat and lazy. After dinner this evening and with the unseasonably warm temperature of 64 degrees luring me, I decided to put on my work-out shoes and go for a walk.
It was very painful.
Let me explain.
I took the route that I had used to train for the 5K I ran a year and a half ago. I haven’t run that distance since then. And although I have been at the gym, I haven’t hit the pavement in quite a while. My left knee rebelled and both my hips were aching. It was physically painful. But as is typical for my reaction – the pain only fed my desire to walk harder and faster. I get so mad when my body acts old with certain activities and my response is to keep going and push through the pain. Use it or lose it is my motto – and doggone it – I’m going to keep walking and I might even try to work up to that 5K again! The hips actually felt better after a bit – they probably just needed to get moving and the rust worked out of the joint. My knee still felt funky.
There was other pain.
I usually walk … and talk …. to God. I always ask Him to be with my family – in particular my daughters and their husbands who are so far away. One daughter and hubby are all the way out in Oregon. I started crying. They are so far away. And I miss them. The other daughter and husband aren’t quite so far – but far enough and soon to be moving farther. <sigh> Missing them. Prayers for Amanda, too, and hopes that her move will go smoothly and happily. I also prayed that she could move out so I could miss her too!
As I walked through the neighborhood, memories of days gone by swept over me with a painful sadness. I walked along the park where my young children rode their bikes and played. I strolled past the homes of people I’d known who were now deceased. Then I passed the elementary school that my girls attended for so many years. This neighborhood has been home to my family for close to thirty years. Where has the time gone?
It was a good walk – and a good talk. I was reminded to keep walking more often. I was reminded of how wonderful the years past have been. But it’s like the old church camp song we used to sing in a round that had these lyrics: Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other’s gold. I think that song describes life as well. Life keeps moving forward and there is so much to look forward to. But the old days and old memories are to be cherished and are precious as gold.
It was a good walk. And I guess it didn’t hurt too much.
just Laurel
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