I took a walk around the yard after I got home from work today. We have 3 herbs growing along the back of the house: Garlic chives, Basil, and Mint. They are gorgeous and green and at their peak! The basil is over 3 feet tall! I wanted to take a picture of them – with the cold nights, we shall have a frost before you know it and all 3 of these plants will wither and be gone.
Did you know that Basil was first mentioned in English writing in the mid-seventeenth century and in American literature about 100 years later. Basil is considered sacred in the Hindu cultures, believed by many to be a favorite of their gods. In some cultures basil is a sign of love and devotion between young couples.
Although “basil” is not mentioned specifically in the bible, did you know that “herb” is mentioned 6 times? And “spice” is found 36 times! (NIV)
Mint plants originated in the mediterranean region, with 30 varieties known. Ancient Hebrews used to scatter mint over the synagogue floor for its scent.
Did you know that “mint” is actually mentioned twice in the bible?
Garlic chives have been used as culinary herbs for thousands of years and were probably used first by the Chinese and ancient Greeks.There is no mention of garlic chives in the bible – but I had to include them and I think it is a very pretty plant now that it has flowered!
From adding flavor to food, sweet smells to a room, as well as their medicinal qualities, well, I think herbs are just amazing!
just Laurel
(Little bits of life, nature, and who-knows-what will sometimes pique my interest and I have to know more! And on days like today when there was no insightful story to expand upon, I kept it brief with the mini-lesson on herbs. Look for more little splashes of interest on my un-inspiring days as I explore something different and title it “just amazing _______”.)
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